Monte Cornetto - Folgaria - Paradiso
Rifugio Paradiso, Folgaria
45.93228, 11.17343
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Monte Cornetto - Folgaria - Paradiso At 2012.06.23 I was with several friends on a sloping-trip in Northern-Italy. One of the most impressive slopes is in Folgaria. It is a thermal-slope, so the wind-direction is not so important, you can start and fly when the thermal conditions are working. You can start gliders up to 6 m with a bungee from the launching-pad. Landing is on a smooth rising grass-area easily possible, of course without any rotors. It's only difficult to arrive the flying-spot, because you need a permission to use the street by car. The street is aktuell in a very bad condition, and you need a very, very good 4WD. But it gives a simple solution: If you want to fly in Folgaria, you should stay in the Hotel Sayonara. The owner from the hotel is also a modelglider pilot and he has purchased a Land-Rover to bring you up to the flying-spot with your gliders. Of course he will bring you down, too. He has the permission to use the street. In the Hotel Sayonara it is allowed to use the well equipped hobbyroom for inspection and repairing your models (or to build a new one). Also there is a PC with internet for free. This is a great service. If you think you have good condition and if you want to walk to the flying-spot, you have to park your car here, and follow the way to Refugio Paradiso: Car-parking GPS-coordinates: 45.917942 , 11.176269 ps.: Sessellift zum Paradiso ist ausser Betrieb. Tolle Location, super, gastfreundliches (Modellflieger)-Hotel, da werde ich gerne wieder Urlaub machen.
Flyable winddirections:
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